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Meet The Queens

Meet The Queens

If you have listened at all, you have a pretty good idea of who we are. For formality's sake, here are our bios.


Ande Strega

When she’s not watching horror movies or Korean romance dramas, Ande spends most of her time cuddling her dogs, painting serial killer portraits, creating glitch art, and editing both our Queens podcasts. She doesn’t stop there! She is the voice of the Whoa Hot Stuff blog, and keeps a hoard of readers busy with her online bookclub all from the comfort of her bathtub. Check both out for the spookiest and spiciest content! 


China White

Professional dog snuggler and ex drag whisperer, China usually spends her days eyeballs deep in horror movies, Kpop videos, and day dreaming about Jesse Camp. She's also been known to haunt her own home made up as Grandpa Munster, pretending to blend in with the other ghouls lurking in the dark corners of her house. Mostly she's just lookin to have all the fun recording shows with her best gals and desperately trying to get a grasp on final cut pro. Ps If you have any tips or tricks let her know!


Eanna Isabel

Once a skeptic of all things paranormal, she now spends her days as a practicing Witch and trying to communicate with alllll her dead friends. Originally from KCMO, she’s a twice retired roller derby queen, a mother to a teenage boy who thinks mumble rap is music,  & a loose leaf tea/ true crime connaisseur.  In her “spare” time, she enjoys throwing knives and is an award winning taxidermist, so you know #justgirlythings